Country development and sustainability of effective services are the basis of having effective infrastructure networks. Besantaş Infrastructure Group provides service and safe growth opportunity to communities with its important projects. Besantaş's project history goes back to 1980.
Transmission and City Network Lines with Ductile and Steel Pipes, Waste Water Collectors and City Network Lines, Natural Gas Main Transmission and City Network Lines, Road Sub-Superstructure and Intersections, by adopting the principle of making maximum use of modern technology, infrastructure with pioneering, innovative, environmentally and nature-friendly technological methods is the solution partner of their manufacturing.
Large Diameter Microtunnel Systems, Horizontal Directional Drilling etc. In-depth excavations are produced using technological excavation systems.
Infrastructure Our group has restructured Istanbul European and Asian regions, mainly Turkey's long been unresolved Stormwater and Wastewater adverse ground conditions the results of completed manufacturing Collector connection with the technological excavation methods.
With this feature, it comes to the fore with the infrastructure solution partner of complex predictive works. Turkey across the Drinking Water Lines Outline and Services, Natural Gas Service Lines and outline the framework of the importance given to the quality of manufacturing job security are our pride and success resources. Within the group, there are Micro Tunnel Machines, Loaders, Excavators, Backhoe Loaders, Trucks, Trucks and Light Trucks.